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Late/Absence Procedures

The bell for registration sounds at 8.55am.  If you arrive after this time please walk with your child to reception where a member of staff will meet you and take your child / children to class.  Any child who arrives after the close of register at 9.30am will be recorded as late.


Parents Responsibility

  • It is the parents’ legal responsibility to allow their child(ren) maximum attendance at school.  Parents should ensure that their children arrive at school on time, properly attired and in a condition to learn.  This features highly in our Home School Agreement.  A record of attendance also features on the children’s Annual Report to Parents.
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the school of their child’s absence on that day, by telephoning or emailing the school office. If a child does not arrive at school and a telephone call has not been received, our secretary phones home to ascertain reason for absence.
  • Extended absence after the first day requires parents to contact the school to detail the reason for continued absence.
  • Absences due to sickness need to be confirmed with a written note / email detailing the illness and if possible a doctors note.  This information is then filled in school.



School Policy Authorised Absences

  • There are two types of absences authorised or unauthorised.  The school will authorise an absence for the following reasons: For absence other than for sickness, parents must seek the prior approval of the Headteacher.  An application form is available from the office.
  • “Authorised absences” are defined as:-
  • Medical / dental
  • Approved PE or sporting activity
  • Day of religious observance in the religious body to which the parents belong
  • Absence under licence issued by the Area Education Officer for a theatrical or other performance
  • Sickness


Term time holidays

The governing body has taken the decision that family holidays of no more than five school days duration in a school year may be requested however, it is at the discretion of the headteacher whether or not to authorise any absence.  This permission must be sought by the parent(s) in advance.


  • Other than in exceptional circumstances, all other absences are “unauthorised”
  • The attendance of children is to be monitored by class teachers and the secretary who checks all registers weekly and reports any problems to the Headteacher.
  • Weekly attendance data is compiled and filed which allows early identification of persistent absenteeism. 
  • Whole school weekly attendance data is shared with parents in the school newsletter.
  • The schools openly encourage an active partnership with parents and welcomes parents in to discuss any problem relating to attendance.