Here at the Ysgol Gellifor we are committed to involving children fully in their education. We explore the world through "Learning Journeys" - termly hands-on learning projects, which allow our pupils to experience the national curriculum subjects in new and exciting ways. Pupils are challenged to explore the world around them through rich experiences. There is always something fascinating going on at the Ysgol Gellifor and our high expectations, coupled with a passionate belief in the importance of good quality learning experiences, and a happy, safe environment, ensures our pupils are enthralled by learning in order to achieve extremely well.
Whether you are an existing parent, a prospective family, an interested visitor or indeed a pupil, you are most welcome here at Ysgol Gellifor, where we are determined that, adult and child alike, the Education we provide should be the first steps in a lifelong journey of curiosity, love of learning and fulfilment.
At Ysgol Gellifor we believe learning is synonymous with fun and fulfilment. It is our mission to make every moment of the day worthwhile, educating the whole child with the whole teacher. The aim is to allow academic and personal growth which leads to success and fulfilment, now and in later life.
This means we learn with our hands, our heads, and our hearts, with practical, thought-provoking and satisfying experiences which are designed to outlast the classroom and remain with learners for life. Children are involved in planning and learning at every stage.
We also believe we are equals and are a community where adults and children are encouraged to treat each other with mutual respect, becoming directly involved in the planning of their learning.