Autumn Term 1: This half-term we will be covering:
- Maths: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Measure and Shape
- English: We will be studying Roger Hargreaves’ Mr Men and Little Miss books and creating our own characters and stories.
- Topics: Animals and Australia
- Science: Life Cycles, Food Chains, Variation and Adaptation.
- RE: Christianity – The Old and the New Testament
- PSHE: New Beginnings
- Art: Sketching, Dot Art, Animal Art
- PE: Dance – Carnival of the Animals, Camille Saint-Saëns.
- Welsh: Greetings
- Spanish: Introductions
- Music: Carnival of the Animals - A humorous musical suite by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns.
- Computing: Creating Google Slides Presentations and PowerPoints