Welcome to Cylch Chwarae Gellifor. We are a small childcare provider based within Ysgol Gellifor. Our aim is to provide a happy, safe, child centred, nurturing environment that is both stimulating and challenging for all the children who attend.
We are a CIO (charitable incorporated organisation) registered under CIW (care inspectorate Wales) to care for 26 children at any one time.
Our setting is open 5 days a week 9am-3pm term time only, with children being offered the opportunity to attend Breakfast Club and After School Club.
Our team are dedicated and qualified staff with the aim of ensuring the time your child spends with us is as positive, sociable and fun as possible.
No two days are the same in Cylch, your child will experience singing and rhyme, craft and creative activities, free play, outdoor play, music and movement, story time, construction play and Welsh language.
We use incidental Welsh throughout Cylch and via basic instructions , Song, Rhyme, Registration and Snack time. These are then built upon if and when your child moves on within the school.
An information / Welcome Pack can be provided if requested with more detail regarding Policies and Procedures, Admissions, Fees, Terms and and conditions. and visits are always accommodated.