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World War 2

Spring Term 1: This half-term we will be covering:

  • Maths: Number, Place Value, Division, Fractions, Percentages and Decimals  
  • English: Our class text is ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll     
  • Topic: World War Two                                                          
  • Science: Properties of Materials (Reversible and Irreversible Changes)          
  • RE: Christianity - Why are festivals important to religious communities?       
  • PSHE: Health and Wellbeing                                                                                            
  • Art: World War 2 Propaganda; Pop Art                                                                                               
  • PE: Yoga – Every Wednesday afternoon                                              
  • Welsh: Dialogue and Scripts                                                     
  • Spanish: Meet and Greet                                          
  • Music: Creating Music in the style of The Blitz                           
  • Computing: Scratch Programming

What we want to investigate within the Topic of World War 2.

All of our ideas have been put into the Topic Planning Sheet.
